Wednesday, January 25, 2012

tool 5

My comic.

I made up this comic strip about succession.  I don't think it would work well for the kids to make one using this site, (we have them draw one to demonstrate their understanding of the concept of succession) due to the limited number of backgrounds and items.  The kids need to be able to be more creative in their story ideas.  Maybe I can find another comic strip site that would work better, though.

I also made a Wordle about algebra.  I did a science comic strip, so algebra needed to be represented, too.  :)

tool 4

We do a project about environmental issues.  The kids have to research both sides of the issue before deciding what they think.  We could use a Google doc to have the kids give their opinions on specific issues (justifying them with data).  Other kids could read and respond to them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

tool 3

When thinking about space science topics, you can't do much better than NASA.

These are interesting NASA videos about the habitability of Mars and the Curiosity mission to Mars. and

I knew the fair use laws were vague, but the I think it is easy to use the basic phrase "the cost of copyright holder is less than the benefit to society" to help guide us.

tool 2

I really don't like sharing my thoughts in a forum that anyone can read.  I prefer to communicate with people directly.  I can see the benefits of hearing from others what works for them, though.

I think this site has potential.  It drew me in by discussing doing algebra using the ipad.

tool 1

My avatar is made, so yeah!  I have 6 pages open in order to complete it and still couldn't find a page.  Got it fixed, though.